Source code for monai.bundle.config_item

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import annotations

import ast
import inspect
import sys
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Mapping, Sequence
from importlib import import_module
from typing import Any

from monai.bundle.utils import EXPR_KEY
from monai.utils import CompInitMode, ensure_tuple, first, instantiate, optional_import, run_debug, run_eval

__all__ = ["ComponentLocator", "ConfigItem", "ConfigExpression", "ConfigComponent", "Instantiable"]

[docs] class Instantiable(ABC): """ Base class for an instantiable object. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_disabled(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> bool: """ Return a boolean flag to indicate whether the object should be instantiated. """ raise NotImplementedError(f"subclass {self.__class__.__name__} must implement this method.")
[docs] @abstractmethod def instantiate(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> object: """ Instantiate the target component and return the instance. """ raise NotImplementedError(f"subclass {self.__class__.__name__} must implement this method.")
[docs] class ComponentLocator: """ Scan all the available classes and functions in the MONAI package and map them with the module paths in a table. It's used to locate the module path for provided component name. Args: excludes: if any string of the `excludes` exists in the full module name, don't import this module. """ MOD_START = "monai" def __init__(self, excludes: Sequence[str] | str | None = None): self.excludes = [] if excludes is None else ensure_tuple(excludes) self._components_table: dict[str, list] | None = None def _find_module_names(self) -> list[str]: """ Find all the modules start with MOD_START and don't contain any of `excludes`. """ return [m for m in sys.modules if m.startswith(self.MOD_START) and all(s not in m for s in self.excludes)] def _find_classes_or_functions(self, modnames: Sequence[str] | str) -> dict[str, list]: """ Find all the classes and functions in the modules with specified `modnames`. Args: modnames: names of the target modules to find all the classes and functions. """ table: dict[str, list] = {} # all the MONAI modules are already loaded by `load_submodules` for modname in ensure_tuple(modnames): try: # scan all the classes and functions in the module module = import_module(modname) for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(module): if (inspect.isclass(obj) or inspect.isfunction(obj)) and obj.__module__ == modname: if name not in table: table[name] = [] table[name].append(modname) except ModuleNotFoundError: pass return table
[docs] def get_component_module_name(self, name: str) -> list[str] | str | None: """ Get the full module name of the class or function with specified ``name``. If target component name exists in multiple packages or modules, return a list of full module names. Args: name: name of the expected class or function. """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise ValueError(f"`name` must be a valid string, but got: {name}.") if self._components_table is None: # init component and module mapping table self._components_table = self._find_classes_or_functions(self._find_module_names()) mods: list[str] | str | None = self._components_table.get(name) if isinstance(mods, list) and len(mods) == 1: mods = mods[0] return mods
[docs] class ConfigItem: """ Basic data structure to represent a configuration item. A `ConfigItem` instance can optionally have a string id, so that other items can refer to it. It has a build-in `config` property to store the configuration object. Args: config: content of a config item, can be objects of any types, a configuration resolver may interpret the content to generate a configuration object. id: name of the current config item, defaults to empty string. """ def __init__(self, config: Any, id: str = "") -> None: self.config = config = id
[docs] def get_id(self) -> str: """ Get the ID name of current config item, useful to identify config items during parsing. """ return
[docs] def update_config(self, config: Any) -> None: """ Replace the content of `self.config` with new `config`. A typical usage is to modify the initial config content at runtime. Args: config: content of a `ConfigItem`. """ self.config = config
[docs] def get_config(self): """ Get the config content of current config item. """ return self.config
def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self.config)
[docs] class ConfigComponent(ConfigItem, Instantiable): """ Subclass of :py:class:`monai.bundle.ConfigItem`, this class uses a dictionary with string keys to represent a component of `class` or `function` and supports instantiation. Currently, three special keys (strings surrounded by ``_``) are defined and interpreted beyond the regular literals: - class or function identifier of the python module, specified by ``"_target_"``, indicating a monai built-in Python class or function such as ``"LoadImageDict"``, or a full module name, e.g. ``"monai.transforms.LoadImageDict"``, or a callable, e.g. ``"$@model.forward"``. - ``"_requires_"`` (optional): specifies reference IDs (string starts with ``"@"``) or ``ConfigExpression`` of the dependencies for this ``ConfigComponent`` object. These dependencies will be evaluated/instantiated before this object is instantiated. It is useful when the component doesn't explicitly depend on the other `ConfigItems` via its arguments, but requires the dependencies to be instantiated/evaluated beforehand. - ``"_disabled_"`` (optional): a flag to indicate whether to skip the instantiation. - ``"_desc_"`` (optional): free text descriptions of the component for code readability. - ``"_mode_"`` (optional): operating mode for invoking the callable ``component`` defined by ``"_target_"``: - ``"default"``: returns ``component(**kwargs)`` - ``"partial"``: returns ``functools.partial(component, **kwargs)`` - ``"debug"``: returns ``pdb.runcall(component, **kwargs)`` Other fields in the config content are input arguments to the python module. .. code-block:: python from monai.bundle import ComponentLocator, ConfigComponent locator = ComponentLocator(excludes=["modules_to_exclude"]) config = { "_target_": "LoadImaged", "keys": ["image", "label"] } configer = ConfigComponent(config, id="test", locator=locator) image_loader = configer.instantiate() print(image_loader) # < object at 0x7fba7ad1ee50> Args: config: content of a config item. id: name of the current config item, defaults to empty string. locator: a ``ComponentLocator`` to convert a module name string into the actual python module. if `None`, a ``ComponentLocator(excludes=excludes)`` will be used. excludes: if ``locator`` is None, create a new ``ComponentLocator`` with ``excludes``. See also: :py:class:`monai.bundle.ComponentLocator`. """ non_arg_keys = {"_target_", "_disabled_", "_requires_", "_desc_", "_mode_"} def __init__( self, config: Any, id: str = "", locator: ComponentLocator | None = None, excludes: Sequence[str] | str | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(config=config, id=id) self.locator = ComponentLocator(excludes=excludes) if locator is None else locator
[docs] @staticmethod def is_instantiable(config: Any) -> bool: """ Check whether this config represents a `class` or `function` that is to be instantiated. Args: config: input config content to check. """ return isinstance(config, Mapping) and "_target_" in config
[docs] def resolve_module_name(self): """ Resolve the target module name from current config content. The config content must have ``"_target_"`` key. """ config = dict(self.get_config()) target = config.get("_target_") if not isinstance(target, str): return target # for feature discussed in project-monai/monai#5852 module = self.locator.get_component_module_name(target) if module is None: # target is the full module name, no need to parse return target if isinstance(module, list): warnings.warn( f"there are more than 1 component have name `{target}`: {module}, use the first one `{module[0]}." f" if want to use others, please set its full module path in `_target_` directly." ) module = module[0] return f"{module}.{target}"
[docs] def resolve_args(self): """ Utility function used in `instantiate()` to resolve the arguments from current config content. """ return {k: v for k, v in self.get_config().items() if k not in self.non_arg_keys}
[docs] def is_disabled(self) -> bool: """ Utility function used in `instantiate()` to check whether to skip the instantiation. """ _is_disabled = self.get_config().get("_disabled_", False) return _is_disabled.lower().strip() == "true" if isinstance(_is_disabled, str) else bool(_is_disabled)
[docs] def instantiate(self, **kwargs: Any) -> object: """ Instantiate component based on ``self.config`` content. The target component must be a `class` or a `function`, otherwise, return `None`. Args: kwargs: args to override / add the config args when instantiation. """ if not self.is_instantiable(self.get_config()) or self.is_disabled(): # if not a class or function or marked as `disabled`, skip parsing and return `None` return None modname = self.resolve_module_name() mode = self.get_config().get("_mode_", CompInitMode.DEFAULT) args = self.resolve_args() args.update(kwargs) try: return instantiate(modname, mode, **args) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to instantiate {self}.") from e
[docs] class ConfigExpression(ConfigItem): """ Subclass of :py:class:`monai.bundle.ConfigItem`, the `ConfigItem` represents an executable expression (execute based on ``eval()``, or import the module to the `globals` if it's an import statement). See also: - For example: .. code-block:: python import monai from monai.bundle import ConfigExpression config = "$monai.__version__" expression = ConfigExpression(config, id="test", globals={"monai": monai}) print(expression.evaluate()) Args: config: content of a config item. id: name of current config item, defaults to empty string. globals: additional global context to evaluate the string. """ prefix = EXPR_KEY run_eval = run_eval def __init__(self, config: Any, id: str = "", globals: dict | None = None) -> None: super().__init__(config=config, id=id) self.globals = globals if globals is not None else {} def _parse_import_string(self, import_string: str) -> Any | None: """parse single import statement such as "from monai.transforms import Resize""" node = first(ast.iter_child_nodes(ast.parse(import_string))) if not isinstance(node, (ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom)): return None if len(node.names) < 1: return None if len(node.names) > 1: warnings.warn(f"ignoring multiple import alias '{import_string}'.") name, asname = f"{node.names[0].name}", node.names[0].asname asname = name if asname is None else f"{asname}" if isinstance(node, ast.ImportFrom): self.globals[asname], _ = optional_import(f"{node.module}", name=f"{name}") return self.globals[asname] if isinstance(node, ast.Import): self.globals[asname], _ = optional_import(f"{name}") return self.globals[asname] return None
[docs] def evaluate(self, globals: dict | None = None, locals: dict | None = None) -> str | Any | None: """ Execute the current config content and return the result if it is expression, based on Python `eval()`. For more details: Args: globals: besides ``self.globals``, other global symbols used in the expression at runtime. locals: besides ``globals``, may also have some local symbols used in the expression at runtime. """ value = self.get_config() if not ConfigExpression.is_expression(value): return None optional_module = self._parse_import_string(value[len(self.prefix) :]) if optional_module is not None: return optional_module if not self.run_eval: return f"{value[len(self.prefix) :]}" globals_ = dict(self.globals) if globals is not None: for k, v in globals.items(): if k in globals_: warnings.warn(f"the new global variable `{k}` conflicts with `self.globals`, override it.") globals_[k] = v if not run_debug: return eval(value[len(self.prefix) :], globals_, locals) warnings.warn( f"\n\npdb: value={value}\n" f"See also Debugger commands documentation:\n" ) import pdb[len(self.prefix) :], globals_, locals) return None
[docs] @classmethod def is_expression(cls, config: dict | list | str) -> bool: """ Check whether the config is an executable expression string. Currently, a string starts with ``"$"`` character is interpreted as an expression. Args: config: input config content to check. """ return isinstance(config, str) and config.startswith(cls.prefix)
[docs] @classmethod def is_import_statement(cls, config: dict | list | str) -> bool: """ Check whether the config is an import statement (a special case of expression). Args: config: input config content to check. """ if not cls.is_expression(config): return False if "import" not in config: return False return isinstance( first(ast.iter_child_nodes(ast.parse(f"{config[len(cls.prefix) :]}"))), (ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom) )