Source code for monai.bundle.reference_resolver

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import annotations

import re
import warnings
from import Sequence
from typing import Any

from monai.bundle.config_item import ConfigComponent, ConfigExpression, ConfigItem
from monai.bundle.utils import ID_REF_KEY, ID_SEP_KEY
from monai.utils import allow_missing_reference, look_up_option

__all__ = ["ReferenceResolver"]

[docs] class ReferenceResolver: """ Utility class to manage a set of ``ConfigItem`` and resolve the references between them. This class maintains a set of ``ConfigItem`` objects and their associated IDs. The IDs must be unique within this set. A string in ``ConfigItem`` starting with ``@`` will be treated as a reference to other ``ConfigItem`` objects by ID. Since ``ConfigItem`` may have a nested dictionary or list structure, the reference string may also contain a ``#`` character to refer to a substructure by key indexing for a dictionary or integer indexing for a list. In this class, resolving references is essentially substitution of the reference strings with the corresponding python objects. A typical workflow of resolving references is as follows: - Add multiple ``ConfigItem`` objects to the ``ReferenceResolver`` by ``add_item()``. - Call ``get_resolved_content()`` to automatically resolve the references. This is done (recursively) by: - Convert the items to objects, for those do not have references to other items. - If it is instantiable, instantiate it and cache the class instance in ``resolved_content``. - If it is an expression, evaluate it and save the value in ``resolved_content``. - Substitute the reference strings with the corresponding objects. Args: items: ``ConfigItem``s to resolve, this could be added later with ``add_item()``. """ _vars = "__local_refs" sep = ID_SEP_KEY # separator for key indexing ref = ID_REF_KEY # reference prefix # match a reference string, e.g. "@id#key", "@id#key#0", "@_target_#key" id_matcher = re.compile(rf"{ref}(?:\w*)(?:{sep}\w*)*") # if `allow_missing_reference` and can't find a reference ID, will just raise a warning and don't update the config allow_missing_reference = allow_missing_reference def __init__(self, items: Sequence[ConfigItem] | None = None): # save the items in a dictionary with the `` as key self.items: dict[str, ConfigItem] = {} if items is None else {i.get_id(): i for i in items} self.resolved_content: dict[str, ConfigExpression | str | Any | None] = {}
[docs] def reset(self): """ Clear all the added `ConfigItem` and all the resolved content. """ self.items = {} self.resolved_content = {}
def is_resolved(self) -> bool: return bool(self.resolved_content)
[docs] def add_item(self, item: ConfigItem) -> None: """ Add a ``ConfigItem`` to the resolver. Args: item: a ``ConfigItem``. """ id = item.get_id() if id in self.items: return self.items[id] = item
[docs] def get_item(self, id: str, resolve: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> ConfigItem | None: """ Get the ``ConfigItem`` by id. If ``resolve=True``, the returned item will be resolved, that is, all the reference strings are substituted by the corresponding ``ConfigItem`` objects. Args: id: id of the expected config item. resolve: whether to resolve the item if it is not resolved, default to False. kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to ``_resolve_one_item()``. Currently support ``instantiate`` and ``eval_expr``. Both are defaulting to True. """ if resolve and id not in self.resolved_content: self._resolve_one_item(id=id, **kwargs) return self.items.get(id)
def _resolve_one_item( self, id: str, waiting_list: set[str] | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> ConfigExpression | str | Any | None: """ Resolve and return one ``ConfigItem`` of ``id``, cache the resolved result in ``resolved_content``. If it has unresolved references, recursively resolve the referring items first. Args: id: id name of ``ConfigItem`` to be resolved. waiting_list: set of ids pending to be resolved. It's used to detect circular references such as: `{"name": "A", "dep": "@B"}` and `{"name": "B", "dep": "@A"}`. kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to ``_resolve_one_item()``. Currently support ``instantiate``, ``eval_expr`` and ``default``. `instantiate` and `eval_expr` are defaulting to True, `default` is the target config item if the `id` is not in the config content, must be a `ConfigItem` object. """ if id in self.resolved_content: return self.resolved_content[id] try: item = look_up_option(id, self.items, print_all_options=False, default=kwargs.get("default", "no_default")) except ValueError as err: raise KeyError(f"id='{id}' is not found in the config resolver.") from err if not isinstance(item, ConfigItem): return item item_config = item.get_config() if waiting_list is None: waiting_list = set() waiting_list.add(id) for t, v in self.items.items(): if ( t not in self.resolved_content and isinstance(v, ConfigExpression) and v.is_import_statement(v.get_config()) ): self.resolved_content[t] = v.evaluate() if kwargs.get("eval_expr", True) else v for d in self.find_refs_in_config(config=item_config, id=id).keys(): # if current item has reference already in the waiting list, that's circular references if d in waiting_list: raise ValueError(f"detected circular references '{d}' for id='{id}' in the config content.") # check whether the component has any unresolved references if d not in self.resolved_content: # this referring item is not resolved try: look_up_option(d, self.items, print_all_options=False) except ValueError as err: msg = f"the referring item `@{d}` is not defined in the config content." if not self.allow_missing_reference: raise ValueError(msg) from err warnings.warn(msg) continue # recursively resolve the reference first self._resolve_one_item(id=d, waiting_list=waiting_list, **kwargs) waiting_list.discard(d) # all references are resolved, then try to resolve current config item new_config = self.update_config_with_refs(config=item_config, id=id, refs=self.resolved_content) item.update_config(config=new_config) # save the resolved result into `resolved_content` to recursively resolve others if isinstance(item, ConfigComponent): self.resolved_content[id] = item.instantiate() if kwargs.get("instantiate", True) else item elif isinstance(item, ConfigExpression): run_eval = kwargs.get("eval_expr", True) self.resolved_content[id] = ( item.evaluate(globals={f"{self._vars}": self.resolved_content}) if run_eval else item ) else: self.resolved_content[id] = new_config return self.resolved_content[id]
[docs] def get_resolved_content(self, id: str, **kwargs: Any) -> ConfigExpression | str | Any | None: """ Get the resolved ``ConfigItem`` by id. Args: id: id name of the expected item. kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to ``_resolve_one_item()``. Currently support ``instantiate``, ``eval_expr`` and ``default``. `instantiate` and `eval_expr` are defaulting to True, `default` is the target config item if the `id` is not in the config content, must be a `ConfigItem` object. """ return self._resolve_one_item(id=id, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def match_refs_pattern(cls, value: str) -> dict[str, int]: """ Match regular expression for the input string to find the references. The reference string starts with ``"@"``, like: ``"@XXX#YYY#ZZZ"``. Args: value: input value to match regular expression. """ refs: dict[str, int] = {} # regular expression pattern to match "@XXX" or "@XXX#YYY" result = cls.id_matcher.findall(value) value_is_expr = ConfigExpression.is_expression(value) for item in result: if value_is_expr or value == item: # only check when string starts with "$" or the whole content is "@XXX" id = item[len(cls.ref) :] refs[id] = refs.get(id, 0) + 1 return refs
[docs] @classmethod def update_refs_pattern(cls, value: str, refs: dict) -> str: """ Match regular expression for the input string to update content with the references. The reference part starts with ``"@"``, like: ``"@XXX#YYY#ZZZ"``. References dictionary must contain the referring IDs as keys. Args: value: input value to match regular expression. refs: all the referring components with ids as keys, default to `None`. """ # regular expression pattern to match "@XXX" or "@XXX#YYY" result = cls.id_matcher.findall(value) # reversely sort the matched references by length # and handle the longer first in case a reference item is substring of another longer item result.sort(key=len, reverse=True) value_is_expr = ConfigExpression.is_expression(value) for item in result: # only update reference when string starts with "$" or the whole content is "@XXX" if value_is_expr or value == item: ref_id = item[len(cls.ref) :] # remove the ref prefix "@" if ref_id not in refs: msg = f"can not find expected ID '{ref_id}' in the references." if cls.allow_missing_reference: warnings.warn(msg) continue else: raise KeyError(msg) if value_is_expr: # replace with local code, `{"__local_refs": self.resolved_content}` will be added to # the `globals` argument of python `eval` in the `evaluate` value = value.replace(item, f"{cls._vars}['{ref_id}']") elif value == item: # the whole content is "@XXX", it will avoid the case that regular string contains "@" value = refs[ref_id] return value
[docs] @classmethod def find_refs_in_config(cls, config: Any, id: str, refs: dict[str, int] | None = None) -> dict[str, int]: """ Recursively search all the content of input config item to get the ids of references. References mean: the IDs of other config items (``"@XXX"`` in this config item), or the sub-item in the config is `instantiable`, or the sub-item in the config is `expression`. For `dict` and `list`, recursively check the sub-items. Args: config: input config content to search. id: ID name for the input config item. refs: dict of the ID name and count of found references, default to `None`. """ refs_: dict[str, int] = refs or {} if isinstance(config, str): for id, count in cls.match_refs_pattern(value=config).items(): refs_[id] = refs_.get(id, 0) + count if not isinstance(config, (list, dict)): return refs_ for k, v in config.items() if isinstance(config, dict) else enumerate(config): sub_id = f"{id}{cls.sep}{k}" if id != "" else f"{k}" if ConfigComponent.is_instantiable(v) or ConfigExpression.is_expression(v) and sub_id not in refs_: refs_[sub_id] = 1 refs_ = cls.find_refs_in_config(v, sub_id, refs_) return refs_
[docs] @classmethod def update_config_with_refs(cls, config: Any, id: str, refs: dict | None = None) -> Any: """ With all the references in ``refs``, update the input config content with references and return the new config. Args: config: input config content to update. id: ID name for the input config. refs: all the referring content with ids, default to `None`. """ refs_: dict = refs or {} if isinstance(config, str): return cls.update_refs_pattern(config, refs_) if not isinstance(config, (list, dict)): return config ret = type(config)() for idx, v in config.items() if isinstance(config, dict) else enumerate(config): sub_id = f"{id}{cls.sep}{idx}" if id != "" else f"{idx}" if ConfigComponent.is_instantiable(v) or ConfigExpression.is_expression(v): updated = refs_[sub_id] if ConfigComponent.is_instantiable(v) and updated is None: # the component is disabled continue else: updated = cls.update_config_with_refs(v, sub_id, refs_) ret.update({idx: updated}) if isinstance(ret, dict) else ret.append(updated) return ret