Source code for monai.utils.jupyter_utils

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This set of utility function is meant to make using Jupyter notebooks easier with MONAI. Plotting functions using
Matplotlib produce common plots for metrics and images.

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
from import Callable, Mapping
from enum import Enum
from threading import RLock, Thread
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

import numpy as np
import torch

from monai.config import IgniteInfo
from monai.utils.module import min_version, optional_import

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    has_matplotlib = True
except ImportError:
    has_matplotlib = False

    from ignite.engine import Engine, Events
    Engine, _ = optional_import("ignite.engine", IgniteInfo.OPT_IMPORT_VERSION, min_version, "Engine")
    Events, _ = optional_import("ignite.engine", IgniteInfo.OPT_IMPORT_VERSION, min_version, "Events")

LOSS_NAME = "loss"

[docs] def plot_metric_graph( ax: plt.Axes, title: str, graphmap: Mapping[str, list[float] | tuple[list[float], list[float]]], yscale: str = "log", avg_keys: tuple[str] = (LOSS_NAME,), window_fraction: int = 20, ) -> None: """ Plot metrics on a single graph with running averages plotted for selected keys. The values in `graphmap` should be lists of (timepoint, value) pairs as stored in MetricLogger objects. Args: ax: Axes object to plot into title: graph title graphmap: dictionary of named graph values, which are lists of values or (index, value) pairs yscale: scale for y-axis compatible with `Axes.set_yscale` avg_keys: tuple of keys in `graphmap` to provide running average plots for window_fraction: what fraction of the graph value length to use as the running average window """ from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator for n, v in graphmap.items(): if len(v) > 0: if isinstance(v[0], (tuple, list)): # values are (x,y) pairs inds, vals = zip(*v) # separate values into list of indices in X dimension and values else: inds, vals = tuple(range(len(v))), tuple(v) # values are without indices, make indices for them ax.plot(inds, vals, label=f"{n} = {vals[-1]:.5g}") # if requested compute and plot a running average for the values using a fractional window size if n in avg_keys and len(v) > window_fraction: window = len(v) // window_fraction kernel = np.ones((window,)) / window ra = np.convolve((vals[0],) * (window - 1) + vals, kernel, mode="valid") ax.plot(inds, ra, label=f"{n} Avg = {ra[-1]:.5g}") ax.set_title(title) ax.set_yscale(yscale) ax.axis("on") ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc=1, borderaxespad=0.0) ax.grid(True, "both", "both") ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True))
[docs] def plot_metric_images( fig: plt.Figure, title: str, graphmap: Mapping[str, list[float] | tuple[list[float], list[float]]], imagemap: dict[str, np.ndarray], yscale: str = "log", avg_keys: tuple[str] = (LOSS_NAME,), window_fraction: int = 20, ) -> list: """ Plot metric graph data with images below into figure `fig`. The intended use is for the graph data to be metrics from a training run and the images to be the batch and output from the last iteration. This uses `plot_metric_graph` to plot the metric graph. Args: fig: Figure object to plot into, reuse from previous plotting for flicker-free refreshing title: graph title graphmap: dictionary of named graph values, which are lists of values or (index, value) pairs imagemap: dictionary of named images to show with metric plot yscale: for metric plot, scale for y-axis compatible with `Axes.set_yscale` avg_keys: for metric plot, tuple of keys in `graphmap` to provide running average plots for window_fraction: for metric plot, what fraction of the graph value length to use as the running average window Returns: list of Axes objects for graph followed by images """ gridshape = (4, max(1, len(imagemap))) graph = plt.subplot2grid(gridshape, (0, 0), colspan=gridshape[1], fig=fig) plot_metric_graph(graph, title, graphmap, yscale, avg_keys, window_fraction) axes = [graph] for i, n in enumerate(imagemap): im = plt.subplot2grid(gridshape, (1, i), rowspan=2, fig=fig) if imagemap[n].shape[0] == 3: im.imshow(imagemap[n].transpose([1, 2, 0])) else: im.imshow(np.squeeze(imagemap[n]), cmap="gray") im.set_title(f"{n}\n{imagemap[n].min():.3g} -> {imagemap[n].max():.3g}") im.axis("off") axes.append(im) return axes
[docs] def tensor_to_images(name: str, tensor: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray | None: """ Return an tuple of images derived from the given tensor. The `name` value indices which key from the output or batch value the tensor was stored as, or is "Batch" or "Output" if these were single tensors instead of dictionaries. Returns a tuple of 2D images of shape HW, or 3D images of shape CHW where C is color channels RGB or RGBA. This allows multiple images to be created from a single tensor, ie. to show each channel separately. """ if tensor.ndim == 3 and tensor.shape[1] > 2 and tensor.shape[2] > 2: return tensor.cpu().data.numpy() # type: ignore[no-any-return] if tensor.ndim == 4 and tensor.shape[2] > 2 and tensor.shape[3] > 2: dmid = tensor.shape[1] // 2 return tensor[:, dmid].cpu().data.numpy() # type: ignore[no-any-return] return None
[docs] def plot_engine_status( engine: Engine, logger: Any, title: str = "Training Log", yscale: str = "log", avg_keys: tuple[str] = (LOSS_NAME,), window_fraction: int = 20, image_fn: Callable[[str, torch.Tensor], Any] | None = tensor_to_images, fig: plt.Figure = None, selected_inst: int = 0, ) -> tuple[plt.Figure, list]: """ Plot the status of the given Engine with its logger. The plot will consist of a graph of loss values and metrics taken from the logger, and images taken from the `output` and `batch` members of `engine.state`. The images are converted to Numpy arrays suitable for input to `Axes.imshow` using `image_fn`, if this is None then no image plotting is done. Args: engine: Engine to extract images from logger: MetricLogger to extract loss and metric data from title: graph title yscale: for metric plot, scale for y-axis compatible with `Axes.set_yscale` avg_keys: for metric plot, tuple of keys in `graphmap` to provide running average plots for window_fraction: for metric plot, what fraction of the graph value length to use as the running average window image_fn: callable converting tensors keyed to a name in the Engine to a tuple of images to plot fig: Figure object to plot into, reuse from previous plotting for flicker-free refreshing selected_inst: index of the instance to show in the image plot Returns: Figure object (or `fig` if given), list of Axes objects for graph and images """ if fig is not None: fig.clf() else: fig = plt.Figure(figsize=(20, 10), tight_layout=True, facecolor="white") graphmap: dict[str, list[float]] = {LOSS_NAME: logger.loss} graphmap.update(logger.metrics) imagemap: dict = {} if image_fn is not None and engine.state is not None and engine.state.batch is not None: for src in (engine.state.batch, engine.state.output): label = "Batch" if src is engine.state.batch else "Output" batch_selected_inst = selected_inst # selected batch index, set to 0 when src is decollated # if the src object is a list of elements, ie. a decollated batch, select an element and keep it as # a dictionary of tensors with a batch dimension added if isinstance(src, list): selected_dict = src[selected_inst] # select this element batch_selected_inst = 0 # set the selection to be the single index in the batch dimension # store each tensor that is interpretable as an image with an added batch dimension src = {k: v[None] for k, v in selected_dict.items() if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) and v.ndim >= 3} # images will be generated from the batch item selected above only, or from the single item given as `src` if isinstance(src, dict): for k, v in src.items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor) and v.ndim >= 4: image = image_fn(k, v[batch_selected_inst]) # if we have images add each one separately to the map if image is not None: for i, im in enumerate(image): imagemap[f"{k}_{i}"] = im elif isinstance(src, torch.Tensor): image = image_fn(label, src) if image is not None: imagemap[f"{label}_{i}"] = image axes = plot_metric_images(fig, title, graphmap, imagemap, yscale, avg_keys, window_fraction) if logger.loss: axes[0].axhline(logger.loss[-1][1], c="k", ls=":") # draw dotted horizontal line at last loss value return fig, axes
def _get_loss_from_output( output: list[torch.Tensor | dict[str, torch.Tensor]] | dict[str, torch.Tensor] | torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: """Returns a single value from the network output, which is a dict or tensor.""" def _get_loss(data: torch.Tensor | dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor: if isinstance(data, dict): return data["loss"] return data if isinstance(output, list): return _get_loss(output[0]) return _get_loss(output)
[docs] class StatusMembers(Enum): """ Named members of the status dictionary, others may be present for named metric values. """ STATUS = "Status" EPOCHS = "Epochs" ITERS = "Iters" LOSS = "Loss"
[docs] class ThreadContainer(Thread): """ Contains a running `Engine` object within a separate thread from main thread in a Jupyter notebook. This allows an engine to begin a run in the background and allow the starting notebook cell to complete. A user can thus start a run and then navigate away from the notebook without concern for loosing connection with the running cell. All output is acquired through methods which synchronize with the running engine using an internal `lock` member, acquiring this lock allows the engine to be inspected while it's prevented from starting the next iteration. Args: engine: wrapped `Engine` object, when the container is started its `run` method is called loss_transform: callable to convert an output dict into a single numeric value metric_transform: callable to convert a named metric value into a single numeric value status_format: format string for status key-value pairs. """ def __init__( self, engine: Engine, loss_transform: Callable = _get_loss_from_output, metric_transform: Callable = lambda name, value: value, status_format: str = "{}: {:.4}", ): super().__init__() self.lock = RLock() self.engine = engine self._status_dict: dict[str, Any] = {} self.loss_transform = loss_transform self.metric_transform = metric_transform self.fig: plt.Figure | None = None self.status_format = status_format self.engine.add_event_handler(Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED, self._update_status)
[docs] def run(self): """Calls the `run` method of the wrapped engine."""
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the engine and join the thread.""" self.engine.terminate() self.join()
def _update_status(self): """Called as an event, updates the internal status dict at the end of iterations.""" with self.lock: state = self.engine.state stats: dict[str, Any] = { StatusMembers.EPOCHS.value: 0, StatusMembers.ITERS.value: 0, StatusMembers.LOSS.value: float("nan"), } if state is not None: if state.max_epochs is not None and state.max_epochs >= 1: epoch = f"{state.epoch}/{state.max_epochs}" else: epoch = str(state.epoch) if state.epoch_length is not None: iters = f"{state.iteration % state.epoch_length}/{state.epoch_length}" else: iters = str(state.iteration) stats[StatusMembers.EPOCHS.value] = epoch stats[StatusMembers.ITERS.value] = iters stats[StatusMembers.LOSS.value] = self.loss_transform(state.output) metrics = state.metrics or {} for m, v in metrics.items(): v = self.metric_transform(m, v) if v is not None: stats[m].append(v) self._status_dict.update(stats) @property def status_dict(self) -> dict[str, str]: """A dictionary containing status information, current loss, and current metric values.""" with self.lock: stats = {StatusMembers.STATUS.value: "Running" if self.is_alive() else "Stopped"} stats.update(self._status_dict) return stats
[docs] def status(self) -> str: """Returns a status string for the current state of the engine.""" stats = copy.deepcopy(self.status_dict) msgs = [stats.pop(StatusMembers.STATUS.value), "Iters: " + str(stats.pop(StatusMembers.ITERS.value, 0))] for key, val in stats.items(): if isinstance(val, float): msg = self.status_format.format(key, val) else: msg = f"{key}: {val}" msgs.append(msg) return ", ".join(msgs)
[docs] def plot_status(self, logger: Any, plot_func: Callable = plot_engine_status) -> plt.Figure: """ Generate a plot of the current status of the contained engine whose loss and metrics were tracked by `logger`. The function `plot_func` must accept arguments `title`, `engine`, `logger`, and `fig` which are the plot title, `self.engine`, `logger`, and `self.fig` respectively. The return value must be a figure object (stored in `self.fig`) and a list of Axes objects for the plots in the figure. Only the figure is returned by this method, which holds the internal lock during the plot generation. """ with self.lock: self.fig, _ = plot_func(title=self.status(), engine=self.engine, logger=logger, fig=self.fig) return self.fig